Justice, Development and Peace Commission was created as a pontifical Commission on January 6, 1967 with the name "JUSTICAL ET PAX." The purpose of the Commission is to awaken in the people of God full awareness of their mission today; to further the progress of Poorer Nations and International Social Justice, as well as their own development for more justice and peace in the society. (Cf. Populorum Progressio No. 1) The Justice, Development and Peace Commission of the Catholic Diocese of Nnewi which started with the erection of Nnewi Diocese on 28 November, 2002, has been structured in accordance with its mandate to tackle the issues vital to the promotion and realization of the respect and up-lifting of the dignity of man.
The Justice. Development and Peace Commission (JDPC) is the establishment of the Catholic Diocese of Nnewi called Justice, Development and Peace Caritas (JDPC), registered as a Non Governmental Organization. Its day to day activities encompass the Catholic Diocese of Nnewi, which has many parishes as its units. Nnewi Diocese being one of the Dioceses in Nigeria, her JDPC has liaison offices in the Catholic Diocese of the federation coordinated nationally by the National Catholic Secretariat at Abuja. The 3 levels of coordination are; Provincial, Diocesan and Parish levels. JDPC Nnewi covers communities in the 4 Local Government Areas within the Catholic Diocese of Nnewi. JDPC Nnewi also network with other NGOs.
OUR VISION STATEMENT: Perfecting Justice, Development, Peace and Dignity of Human race.
OUR MISSION STATEMENT: To foster structural transformation of the society via a holistic empowerment approach in line with social teaching of the Catholic Church.
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